Updated to v1.2
not much of an update, but since i suddenly understand some functions limits
finally understand why the program is stiging at least 10 seconds+
i changed that function to something else
so the difference now is, for example, if u input 2 seconds, it will actually click every 2 seconds
Vista Users, PLEASE stop asking
it doesnt work because u need right click exe and run as ADMIN mode
Anti-virus user, turn it off or it wont let u run AHK programs (sometimes even delete part of the function, so u need to turn it off, then redownload the program)
and so far i tested it for 20mins, i didnt visit autoclick jail yet
I will ignore all questions if u dont give a screenshot along with your 'not-working' problem
1. Open CO
2. Open TaoStig program
3. Choose settings
4. Activate the client your tao is
5. Press OK in the program
6. You may change "Settings" while the program running
***If u select "follow mode", u must have the team thing display***
***and follow mode work best with pot, because it wont affect walking***
well, u need to thanks sword for that
although i didnt look into his script or he didnt say it, its because his thread inspire me "what the hell can i do with first icon"
Videos uploading, must come back to watch!
Can u put the program so i can change the settings with out stoping it?
Cuz after i start it and set it up...i need to restart the bot to change settings on it :|
like what setting are u talking about?
it does allow u change
1. team 1,2,3,4
2. method of getting MP
3. follow/not follow
the 20 seconds, blah blah blah wont work because its a text...
so unless u do a reload, i dont see a easy way to change that seconds timer
which i do believe 20 seconds (default) for MPpot is quite reasonable
and auto stig every 10-15 seconds shouldnt need to change after the bot starts
Well lets say Puting the tao to stig 1st and 3rd person....
EDIT: Like on ur first video u change the med/sit to pot and follow. after i start the bot i need to close it to do that
o, maybe ur co screen covers the setting window (it doesnt appear on startbar)
the Setting tab will be generate once u press OK at the position of x1,y1 of ur computer screen.
move the client to slightly right
quite sure its clean
and of course if u scan it, it will appear as "virus" because this program is made by AHK which has false alarm
u can compile the script if u dont believe, simple as that
Using TaoStig as Background Stamina-Skill-Leveler = mainly for Toxic Fog 05/19/2012 - CO2 Exploits, Hacks & Tools - 38 Replies Just to let everyone know, i didnt make this program (evanxxxm made it:)) but i figured out a cool way to use it as a back ground stamina skill leveler :)
ok heres what you do:
1. Download it.
2. Install it to your desktop (then pin it to your start menu for easy access)
3. Open your conquer client for the char. whose skill you want to level.
4. Put the char in a nice secluded place so no one can see you leveling the skill (the rest of this process is mainly for toxic fog levelers, ok...
AutoTeamHeal minimized/background bot 12/01/2008 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 4 Replies This is edit of TaoStig (evanxxxm) maked by me.
1. Open CO.
2. Open ATH program.
3. Choose time heal.
4. Activate the client where is your healer.
5. Press OK in the program.
6. You can stop and start it in gui.
FollowMe - Minimized/background 10/28/2008 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 499 Replies Note:
Added FollowMe v3 because patch 5067 completely changed the address
and YES, it does send u to jail because it involves controlclick
it will be ur duty to find out how to bypass the system
Use Debug or Cheatengine to find your CharName address if wrong
PATCH 5067
CharName address for un-modify clients: 0x57B604
FightMe - Minimized/Background 08/30/2008 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 45 Replies Note:
still in HongKong, bots/programs are untested by me
anyhow, no video example (yet)
what it does is random run/jump in the fight account, and u are able to use the 2nd client to fb/ss him for trainning
PATCH 5061
CharName address for un-modify clients: 0x56D134