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[Macro Scheduler] Tutorial 1 - Basics

Discussion on [Macro Scheduler] Tutorial 1 - Basics within the Coding Tutorials forum part of the General Coding category.

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[Macro Scheduler] Tutorial 1 - Basics

Maybe some of you know Macro Scheduler 11. It's a very easy coding language which should be understandable for everyone.

Let's start with some basics. After opening Macro Scheduler 11 you can press "New" to start a new file. As you recognized, there is nothing included when you open a new file. So you have to edit all by yourself but it isn't as hard as it looks.

Here are the basic functions:

Moves the mouse to X 100, and Y 450. The left upper is X 0 and Y 0. You can see your current mouse coordinates in the upside.

Makes a left click (with your mouse)

Makes a right click (with your mouse)

Waits 3 seconds

MessageModal>Hello World
Gives out a message and the script continues if you press "OK"

This is a spot in your script which is called "Begin".

The script switches to the Label "Begin"

Sets the variable "a" to "a + 1"
To use a variable you have to write %a% for the variable a


If the variable a is 2, the script goes to the Label "Begin". If not it will write the variable "a" and continues when you press "OK"

Run Program>c:\my programs\eudora\eudora.exe
Runs the programm which you've chosen.

Ask>Do you want to continue?,answer
You've get asked if you want to continue. If you press "YES" the variable "answer" will be set to "YES" and if you press "NO" the variable "answer" will be set to "NO".

Closes the script

If you have red everything until here you should understand this code:

Ask>Do you want to continue?,answer
I will write another tutorial with reg editing, image recognization, saving data to an ini file and more if some people need it.

If you have some questions, feel free to write your question in here

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4 Users
Old 09/03/2009, 07:11   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Im ready!..not too hard to follow so far. await the next tut..
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Old 09/03/2009, 18:35   #3
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As i said.

It's a very easy coding language which should be understandable for everyone.
The next tutorial will follow soon.
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Old 09/21/2009, 03:47   #4
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LoL autoit can inject dll. can that do? ^^
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